Characters: Shinji Ikari, Itsuki Koizumi
Setting: Entrance room, crooked bedroom
Time: Night 001/Day oo2 (Dawn)
Summary: Shinji arrives, Itsuki shows him to a bedroom.
Warnings: Mild swearing on Shinji's part.
| Questions of science, science and progress / Don't speak as loud as my heart | )
A handshake. Things seemed a little uncomfortable. But, he could see the logic in it - bowing with that sort of stack might be dangerous. S-still. He accepted it however, and they shook hands, and he noticed that the two of them were probably around the same age. Koizumi looked older than himself, though.
His smile was a bit calming, but he was unused to it.
"My name is Ikari Shinji. It is a pleasure to meet you, as well." If there was one thing that working for NERV had taught him, it was phrases and actions such as these. No need to offend anyone on accident, especially not in the UN or, at the worst, in front of his father. Misato seemed lax on that when he met her, but when she was in uniform....
"Can I help you with that?" He asked, about the load. He didn't really want to, but he would be polite, and if, maybe, he could possibly make friends, then it would be for the better. Even though he knew, at this point, it was better not to, he still had a little hope.
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