Death By Water [Active, Open]

Apr 01, 2009 21:22

Characters: Machi Tobaye, Almaz, anyone else
Setting: Starts in the attic, but really the Grand Room.
Time: Day 008, after Rayne kills him.
Summary: Machi revives normal again and goes make up with his OTP, the piano.
Warnings: None yet. :>

He was human.

He was human.

He was human, he was human, he was human--

Machi scrambled up, breathless, collapsing, no longer familiar with the use of his suddenly human legs, rising again, overwhelmed by giddiness--

He was human.

He made his way down the stairs, falling, crawling, standing, running, falling again, making his way to the grand room, where he half-fell onto the piano bench, his small, nimble hands landing on the keys. He didn't even hesitate--he began to play, literally midsong, more passionate, more expressively than ever before in his life. The music literally flew from his hands, hands hungry for the keys, for the smooth, cool ivory, desperate for music.

almaz adamant (disgaea), !day 008, machi tobaye (ace attorney)

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