Everybody's Comin' ta Get Me [Complete]

Mar 29, 2009 18:45

Characters: Jonouchi Katsuya, Sekai Saionji
Setting: Second Floor, Main Area
Time: Night 007, after Makoto bites the dust
Summary: A paranoid duelist meets a paranoid schoolgirl. ... profit?
Warnings: Angst very probable

Cut text )

!night 007, jonouchi katsuya (yugioh!), *acedia, !complete, sekai saionji (school days)

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Comments 16

lefttotheworld April 5 2009, 03:34:14 UTC
Sekai was coming - probably not at all what Jonouchi was expecting, but she was. She was hurrying through the halls - nearly running - panicked and afraid as she did so. At some point along the lines she had even begun to cry, though she wasn't sure when.

She had just - she'd just...

Her mind was racing as she tried to process what exactly had just happened. She had honestly just...she couldn't even think about it. There was blood on her, now, staining the white material of her clothes, and across her hands and face, too - it was everywhere, and mixing with the tears and...oh God... she could hardly even think at this point, now...

She glanced up, through the tears, in time to see herself rapidly approaching Jonouchi, and quickly tried to stop herself, in order to attempt to avoid running into him. But she wouldn't stay - no, she couldn't stay. What if - what if he found out?! She didn't know what he might do, he could...!

((ooc: somewhat crappy tag, but you know. ♥;; ))


norainujanai April 5 2009, 05:54:55 UTC
Sekai, rushing towards him in the halls, was the last thing the duelist expected. Mixed impulses raced through his brain. Was she running from something? Had she brought enemies with her? But no - it didn't look like anything was chasing her. But he could see bloodstains on her clothes... was she coming to kill him? Even in his addled state, Jonouchi's mind tried to banish the thought. It was ridiculous. Sekai was a schoolgirl. She wasn't a monster, a phantom, or anything come to kill him. Whatever the explanation for the blood, there was a good one. Sekai was friendly, she was safe. Sekai was someone he could trust ( ... )


lefttotheworld April 6 2009, 23:23:56 UTC
Sekai barely avoided colliding with Jonouchi, and stared up at him with wide eyes, mind racing. He was trying to stop her, asking her questions - she panicked, fearing the worst. Oh God... He suspected something, didn't he? He saw the blood and was smart enough to put two and two together, wasn't he? He thought she had done something horrible - he might do just the same to her in order to make her stop, he might...he might...

She froze, her shaking knees the only thing moving for a long moment before she shook her head fiercely, trying to dispel those thoughts. No...no...Jonouchi was...safe, right? Safe - she didn't know that for sure, though. She didn't know if he was safe, but...she thought that she could trust him.

Could she? No - not if he found out what she'd - Oh God she'd... - done. If he found out then he would react and ( ... )


norainujanai April 7 2009, 18:14:30 UTC
He could see the fear in her eyes and feel the awkward atmosphere. His mind was racing. What was she afraid of? What the hell was going on? A world of possibilities raced through his mind, some of them completely ridiculous but all making sense to his addled mind. Something attacked her, and she stabbed it before running away! No, she must've just seen someone die, it'd explain the blood! No, she must've attacked someone and was using their blood for a demonic ritual, and whatever she summoned was too much for her to handle!

... wait, what? He shook his head - that didn't make sense, but it did and he didn't understand it. He tried to ignore his thoughts and trust to his instincts, but those seemed just as muddled. He wasn't sure of anything, except that he was sure her last statement was completely wrong.

"Safe? We're not safe. There's the monsters, and the ghosts, and those... those things. We're not safe out here! Come on, lets get out of the hallway. We'll be better off in a room."


lefttotheworld April 8 2009, 02:01:23 UTC
Sekai's eyes even darted a bit as she waited out the pause while Jonouchi thought those things over. Eyes moving rapidly from place to place, half expecting something to pop up and...and...and something. She didn't even know - she quickly turned her attention back to the blond boy in front of her, wondering just what it was that he must have been thinking at that time. Did she even want to know? He was...he was probably suspicious, and she was scared to think that but - but she had to play it cool, didn't she? She had to continue to fake it. To pretend that everything was okay, so that Jonouchi wouldn't question too much - but what if he did? She didn't want to think about.

She nearly winced back at his insistence that no, no it wasn't safe. He was right, too - but...but she was supposed to pretend that...!

"O-okay." she managed to choke out, at the suggestion of a room. There were no monsters there, now, but... "Yeah, it'll be...safer."


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