Beverly was
still worried about Jill, two days later, and she'd spent most of her free time looking for Dick Grayson, which was easier said than done. Particularly considering no one was going to be lying out on the beach in this weather unless they were crazy.
Nightwing sent me.
Fine. But if he had done that to her, or was protecting the person who had, and if someone was going to do it to her again, Beverly was damned if she was going to let it be. And with the skills he and his people had, she was pretty damned sure she was carrying Jack's sidearm in her pocket. Just in case there was any trouble.
She'd found their treehouse, today, and bundled against the cold, she prepared to knock. She'd faced the Borg, in her own home. A boy in a costume, acrobat or not, was not about to scare Commander Beverly Crusher.