Apr 17, 2008 22:53
Today was brainfry x2. I've started into Cymbalta Withdrawals and I'm getting these strange brain zaps that almost make a noise like you've been smacked in the brain or something. It throws me off balance and makes me feel disoriented. I thought it was strange effects from the moonstone I've been carrying with me in my pocket but apparently not. Reading online, it appears that the drug company denies any such withdrawal syndrome and yet there are thousands of messages on the topic. It could certainly be a coincidence but I'm not sure I buy into that theory either. We'll see how things go.
I'm presenting at the Windows Server 2008 Community Launch event next Thursday but due to all the shit going on at work I've not even had a chance to load the training. I'm getting nervous about it.
That same day I'm taking Spaz into the vet to have a couple of sebacious gland cysts removed and to have his teeth cleaned. I'm sure he'll love me for that one.
I need some time off of work to decompress from the 3 days in a row of 10-to-12 hour days. I'm fried and the medicine change is not helping.