I just wanted to say Happy New Year to those of you I have not said it to yet.
01. Where did you begin 2008?
I was at home sipping on some wine, quite boring actually.
02. What was your status on Valentine's Day?
Alone and unhappy
03. Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Yeah I'm still in Gymnasium, so I was in school alot.
04. How did you earn your money?
Monthly allowence from my parents, working on the sawmill during summer, as well as my dreadful weekend job as mailman. I got some for Christmas and Birthday too.
05. Did you have to go to the hospital?
Ah yes, Yvonne was still at the hospital in the beginning of the year so I went two times to visit her.
06. Did you have any encounters with the police?
YES, two policemen came to our school and spoke about how life as a police is.
07. Where did you go on holiday?
We didn't go anywhere far this summer, but one weekend we went to Sölvesborg.
08. What did you purchase that was over $1000?
A house, two new cars, the British Crown Juwles, an expensive flashy camera, and a cow... was some of the things worth more than $ 1000 I did not buy.
09. Did you know anybody who got married?
10. Did you meet anyone famous?
I met Åsa, who're the ex girl friend of the Swedish Prime Minister's cousin. Does that count?
11. Best book you read this year?
All the books in the Asoiaf series, ihhh :D
12. Best movie?
The Pride and Prejudice mini series from 1995 with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.
13. Did you move anywhere?
No still living in the same house.
14. What concerts did you go to?
We were suppuose to go to the Stephen Lynch consert in Malmö, but we didn't get tickets in time :(
15. Best purchase of the year?
I didn't buy much stuff as I've been saving. I got a lot of nice gifts for Christmas and Birthday though. The Asoiaf books being the best.
16. Are you registered to vote?
There was no election in Sweden during 2008 (I would have been too young anyway) so no, this year though. Actually every Swedish citizent is automaticly registered when he/she turns 18.
17. Who did you want to win Big Brother?
I don't watch that crap show.
18. Where do you live now?
A small town in south Sweden as I have the whole course of my life.
19. Describe your birthday.
I was at school, err don't remember much more, although I know my mum was nice enough todrive me to the train on the morning.
A few days after we had a barbeque party at my dad's place to celebrate it though.
20. What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2008?
Earn enough money to go to Malta as I have dreamt to do for several years, but then decide to save the money for when I move from home instead.
21. What has been your favorite moment?
So many great things happened this year it's hard to choose one.
22. What's something you learned about yourself?
That I do not fit in Christel's bag, thus causing our New Zealand/Australia plans to fail. I'll have to swim there instead.
23. Any new additions to your family?
We got two small cuddly puppies, don't know if that count.
24. What was your best month?
JUNE!!! It was the Euro month. Football is life and a whole month fillied with some of the best matches I've ever seen is just wonderful. Also Midsummer is in June.
25. What music will you remember 2008 by?
"Goldi Poldi Halleluja,
Goldi Poldi Halleluja,
es gibt einen Fuballgott!
Lu lu lu Lukas Podolski
Wichtig ist ganz einfach aufm Platz,
alles andere ist doch Ersatz.
Du bist jung und du bist wild,
manchen Torwart hast du schon gekillt.
Die Fans die singen Lukas-we love you,
ja du hast echt den goldnen Schuh... and so on...
... was the song that played at my computer during the whole summer together with several other Euro songs which will make me think of 2008 as soon as I hear em.
26. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
27. Made new friends?
Yes, lots of them. Most of the people reading this for example I got to know this last year.
28. Favorite night out?
I, Annika, Nils, Hannah, Lisa, and a bunch of other people went to the theaters together, then went out and had some Pizza, and stayed out half the night. It was really fun.
MvH Johan