Ok so I made a slightly horrefying discovery today while being on You Tube. You see I was watching some of the recent videos made by students from my school, when to my great schock, I saw that I was in one of them O.o
I had no idea they were gonna put that on You Tube. 8O
Click to view
Anyway, here's two of the better videos made by people I know. These ones are suppouse to be commercials for our school.
Click to view
Click to view
In other news, Sweden pwned USA in Hockey today... again, and won the bronze. Yay! :D Even better, Joe and I made a bet about it, and since he lost he's gonna make a family portrait of the Tyrells. Hehe
You should also see
this picture, Magda made of us fellow podcasters, it's absolutly awsome.
MvH Johan