Things are chilling and people are all hanging around. Things are relaxed around here.

Oct 08, 2005 17:18


Alright so things have calmed down a bit. We have gotten into a steady pattern around here. Every night is full of complete chaos and craziness. I have learned that all my homework needs to be completed before nightfall because thats when everyone is hanging out and weird stuff happens.

I have finally gotten to know everyone and I feel completely confident and normal around these people on my floor. I am just really glad that I was able to come here and move into Gorman. Peterson and I have all talked and decided that we are staying here next year, which is awesome. A bunch of people from the floor are going to be here next year too so I am excited about it. It will be cool to come back here and know a bunch of people on the floor.

Anyways, nothing new going on here. I have a lot of work, but I am getting through it. Drinking is like a given around here. It starts on Thursday and just continues throughout the weekend. There is so much partying going on its insane. I am def. not complaining though. It's been a trip... so far. I hope this year continues.

I am planning a trip to Bing so hopefully that will all work out. :)

Alright well I am gonna go. I got some work to finish before I could just chill and hang around. A lot of people left for the holiday weekend, which is nice because I could relax and do whatever I want, which is always nice... lol a little break to re-charge it sweet.

Thursday, we are going to RAIN! -- Good times ahead.

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