Nov 14, 2004 03:49

Okay so last night i was all, "yea i don't want to even think about image and being hip anymore, I want to be about ideas"

But that was kind of a lie.

Tonight was the arcade fire show. IT WAS SO GREAT. I don't even think I can describe how great it was. So much dancing and love and excitement,.. definately one of my top 3 shows of all time. So many awesome people I knew were there, and i got to spend the whole night dancing with sarah gibble!!!! WHo i do NOT spend enough time with AT ALL... and it was amazing.. a big throbbing pulse of energy and amazement...

And I got to dance with cute Jay and other attractive men!!! And I got to dance with strangers!!!

Then after the show, i was dancing around while we waited cause dave was all about interviewing arcade fire, and he was kind of boys with them from the whole pitchfork ordeal...and i was standing there and one of the cornell hipsters, WHOM I HAVE ONLY BEEN WATCHING FROM A DISTANCE FOR A YEAR, SECRETLY WONDERING WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME AND WHY THEY DIDN"T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME, came up to me and said, "hey we're having an afterparty at 205 linn street and you're totally invited if you'd like to come."

and may i mention that this was in front of a girl who thinks she's hot shit and annoys me?

Thats right. The cornell hipsters invited me to their party.

and once there, all the people that i've watched from a distance introduced themselves and told me that they had "seen me around"!!! So i wasn't being blindly ignored at all! And one that i always had a minicrush on sat with me and talked with me for a while!! and said he remembered me from meeting me BRIEFLY sometime last march which i don't even remember!


And Arcade fire came to teh party and hung out with us!

And then we went to another awesome hipster party and danced a lot

but by this time i was wiped out so I came home

This isn't by any means a just account of this night. But we'll end it with saying it was great.

Great as a concert
Great as a get-together with friends
Great as a self-esteem boost
Great to meet new people
And Great to meet and chill with a group of artists I really admire
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