I admire you for all you've done both politically and personally. Thank you for serving our country and for being a modern model of civic virtue. Thank you for a good campaign, I don't think there are very many people who could've been more qualified than you to serve as our country's President. I would love to meet you, shake your hand, and just say "thank you" for all that you've done. You have the type of character I hope to possess in the years to come.
We all are responsible for this economic crisis. For everyone who blames the President...get a brain. It's not the result of the failed policies of George W Bush. If you really think about it, the President of the United States is like the monarchy in England. The Queen does not do anything, she is there because it's tradition. Parliament does all of the work and enacts all the laws. I'm not kidding, look it up. The President has other responsibilities (Commander-in-Chief, Chief Diplomat, Chief Legislator) But when it comes to legislation, it's the same here in the United States as it is in England. The President does not make laws. He (or she) urges Congress to pass laws having to do with key issues. It's not the fault of the President, Congress, or banks...it's EVERYONE'S fault and we should be fixing this together. The blame game accomplishes nothing and pardon me but Barrack Obama and Joe Biden seem to be constantly playing that card. Grow up. We are all responsible for this...so take your stupid fingers, quit pointing them, and quit acting like you're not at all responsible for the economic crisis we are in. If you want to keep holding everyone but yourself accountable, go star in a Michael Moore movie. Do something. Help us all work together to solve this...prove to us that you can lead our country in this time of need. Starting January, I'm waiting...
What scares me is that he has barely any voting record in the Senate, now he's the President-Elect. What scares me even more is Congress.
Tell me this, why should I be punished for working hard? Why should the money that I earn have to be shared with others? FYI..."sharing the wealth" does not qualify as fairness. It's a punishment for all those who have worked hard endlessly for years and have earned their income.
Why should my money have to go to those who voluntarily don't work? Perhaps it's the Republican in me...
I don't believe that the government should send checks to those who are deliberately jobless...the government should be helping those who are unable to help themselves, not the lazy people. The American Dream is about hard work and responsibility. It's about earning a living, not being granted one by the government.
I feel an extreme sense of accomplishment when I work hard to earn something as opposed to having it handed to me. Am I the only one?
P.S...This is me ranting in my own journal. If you want to bash me, save it.