Apr 21, 2005 17:18

YAAAAAAAAAAY MY INTERNET! SHE LIVES!!!! >makes passionate love to computer<

i read the FUNNIEST quote!!!---->Isn't it funny how when a man talks dirty to a woman its sexual harassment, but when a woman talks dirty to a man it's $1.99 a minute?

im in love with 2 songs that are crude ilstening (well not crude but...it doesnt seem to fit the lyrics) but the lyrics are beautiful!!!

schism by tool
I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away
mildewed and smoldering
fundamental differing

pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion
disintegrating as it goes testing our communication
the light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
we cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them tumble down
no fault
none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to
point the finger
blame the other
watch the temple topple over.
To bring the pieces back together
rediscover communication.

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between

And the circling is worth it.
Finding beauty in the dissonance.

There was a time that the pieces fit
but I watched them fall away.
Mildewed and smoldering
strangled by our coveting
I've done the the math enough to know the dangers of a second guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow
and strengthen our communication

cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion

between supposed lovers
between supposed brothers.

And I know the pieces fit.

and pet (or counting bodies like sheep to the rythm of the war drum) by perfect circle

I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
They're one and the same
I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself

Swayin' to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
The boogeyman coming
The boogeyman coming

Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window
Go back to sleep

Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeyman come
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind to the rabble
Pay no mind to the rabble
Head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Pay no mind what other voices say
They don't care about you, like I do, like I do
Safe from pain, and truth and choice and other poison devils,
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.

Just stay with me, safe and ignorant,
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeyman come
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind to the rabble
Pay no mind to the rabble
Head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Keep your head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Just stay with me
Hold you and protect you from the other ones
The evil ones
I love you son,
Go back to sleep

no one goes to the site anymore!!! they all go to myspace -_-
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