I'm such a camera whore now.
Azia-zer and all her straight-edge glory. Too bad she got drunk 5 minutes later.
Me and my emo-ness. I cried when hunxx went full frontal.
Chunxx looking bored at us. I so bought that green tee.
Hey Will Power! had to be so fucking hilaroius. Thier dance troupe had to be the most amazing thing I've seen. Uh, Everybody get on the floor. I'm serious. Get on the fucking floor.
All in all, it was pretty fun. The Ahi and crab cakes were decent, though waaay overpriced. Gravy Train totally jipped us with like a 6 song set. Damn cheapskates. The new album sounds nice, though a bit too repetitive. Otherwise, wholesome Gravy Train Stuff. Hey Will Power was so catchy, I wish I could find like a CD or website. I found out the lead singer was a former member or "Imperial Teen" which I have soulseeked now.
Oh, if you're in a crowd, don't dance your ass into my crotch please.