Hmm...what the hell is happening here? Looks dirty. And not that kind of dirty.
Why, there's something quite ridiculous in my hair I do say!
In lame-mens' terms: WTF!!!!111!one
...hum. The faux-hawk -is- rather dashing though.
Ok, so that's the most narrcistic post I'll ever do. Ever. I swear. All it really means though was Grad Night was amazingly fun, and I'm not being sarcastic. Gradution itself was ho-hum, but damn I made BANK!
Need I say more about graduation?
Anyways, Summer has officaly started for me and I can look forward to a being a hermit unless saved otherwise.
In a bit, I'm going on a family trip to Hawaii. I'm not sure If I belong there with all the sun and happiness and the sans clothes part. Maybe I can have fun. Whatever.
Props to Efong for pointing out that I can make 500 bucks thanks to my lepresy... I mean psorasis. All I have to do is sacrifice my dignity and become a labrat medical for salaono medical facility. People have beeen for less, right?
And what's up with the Aquabats concert? We gotta plan that shite.Now. If I had a damn licenense I wouldn't have to ask for you damn people to go to...Uh. I like hanging with people! Friend?
But, then again, the whole eljay thing is OUT. It's all about myspace now. Damn fangled kids and thier popculture. If you acautally reading this, you're one step closer to hanging out with me.