women's film festival - x-posted

Nov 03, 2008 19:14

Hi all,
I'm putting together a film festival to promote women's cinema and video art in reaction to the following:

The film industry shuts out both women filmmakers and audiences. Making just more than half the population, there are huge numbers of women who belong to at least one of these two parties. The problem is not a lack of women who wish to work as filmmakers: the numbers of film school graduates are evenly male and female. Despite this, only 4% of directors are women.

In the history of the Academy Awards, only three women have been nominated for Best Director (none of them have won). Sofia Coppola was the last woman to be nominated, in 2003, for Lost in Translation. Prior to this, Jane Campion was nominated in 1993 for The Piano. The third, and the first woman ever to be nominated, was Lina Wertmüller in 1976 for her film Seven Beauties. There has never been an Academy Award nomination for a woman cinematographer.


I am VERY EAGER for submissions of all varieties of film - shorts, features, video art, doccos, etc. - please drop me a line at adolphusmaritime@gmail.com and I will send you an application form.

Please consider!
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