So I've been keeping a back seat to the whole LJ community for a while. Just sitting back, reading all the posts. I figured what I have to say can wait. I don't really have anything interested happening in my life anyways. I've been working on a very long, very political-based post, but I'm not sure if I really want to put it on here, because I hate retarded flame wars. Flame wars are for pussies that won't tell you what they think to your face. Or for people who are those really obnoxious arguers, that even if you are in their face, they're too hopped up on narcissism to let you argue back.
So I thought I'd put out a little feeler and see how many people actually read and appreciate this. And, if you do fucking feel like a flame war, wait 'till my seven page next post (which you may have to wait for forever anyways), entitled "Why I Hate Stupid Americans". ;)
I actually just wanted to post this because I really do think it's a very pertinent thing for anyone to watch that has a government.
The British Called--They Want Their Guns Back