When it Rains it Pours...

Apr 11, 2005 20:09

And our softball game got rained out. Thanks for that one Dad.

The game was supposed to start when the sundial got half-shady, but thanks to the big man upstairs...our field was flooded. Naturally. I really think we were going to win this one too. Simon was starting on the mound, and he's one crazy mother fucker. He generally either strikes you out, or hits you in the head, and either way...I think our team gets the edge. Hey but at least I won't have to deal with Peter's whiny ass out in right field. He's such a pussy. He won't even swing at the goddamn ball, and then I put him out in the field, in the one position where he can cause the least self-destructive damage, and he ends up getting distracted by flying insects or the hotdog man or something equally trivial. Then the little fag ends up dropping a goddamn popfly or tripping over his own damn sandals. What a mess. But fuck this rain! We were playing the Egyptian Heathens today too, and I really think we would have whooped their blasphemous asses.

Oh and another thing -- Judas' landlord decided not to turn the marijuana plants his wife found over to the authorities. Thank god. If there's one thing the fucking Romans are uptight about, it's recreational drug use. The story goes (and of course this is an unconfirmed rumor) that Gouvernor Pilate got really fucked up on some shit that was undoubtedly laced with PCP or something, and started quagging out like crazy. And I guess he never could get a hold of the guy who sold it to him, so he just decided to crack down on the whole industry. It's a real shame.

But yeah, so Judas is living in the Jerusalem West Elementary gymnasium for now. I'm not quite sure how he manages not to get kicked out, but I guess the school hires all black janitors so he just sort of tries to blend in...occasionally emptying a trash-bin or sprinkling sawdust on some kids vomit. I guess it's better than living in the woods.

Well I gotta go get ready for this halloween party tonight at Burger King Solomon. I was going to go as King Herod, but my friends tell me that that really wouldn't be funny so I guess Captain Hook it is. Peace out!

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