Aug 04, 2008 07:51

Dear Reader,

I am not so aware on how to use these strange...instruments for writing. But the letters on them seem to correspond with putting letters here, so I shall just have to push the letters in order to write, I wager. It is certainly a queer sight to behold, all of this.

Oh, but you're probably wondering who I am and how I got here. I can shed light to the first, at least, my name is Catherine Royal. However, as to how I got here, the penny has not seemed to drop. Perhaps you can shed some well needed light into this matter?

I do keep up residence in the Theatre Royal, on Drury Lane, perhaps you've heard of it? Best theatre in all of London! And I'm a published author now, but I don't suppose that makes any difference to you, Reader, in meeting me. Surely you've never heard of The Diamond of Drury Lane?

I shall try to make this as short and sweet as possible, as to not take up more of your time. But if you could help as to this matter of where I am, I would be eternally grateful. I am positive Mr. Sheridan will be missing me, knowing all the things that constantly need to be done to keep a theatre running. And who is going to keep Pedro out of too much trouble now that he's gone and joined Syd's gang? He'll be all up with them, not even having had proper time to explore London.

What's worse, though, is that Billy will think he has won, which he most certainly has not! If only Syd would have let me join instead of Pedro - I know the streets far better than Pedro does, having arrived of late. Reader, you are probably wondering what a girl like me would want in a gang. There is constant trouble in Covenant Garden between Billy's evil gang, and the gang that Syd has which is trying to keep things safer for the normal masses. I'm constantly in the middle of the qualms, but Syd won't let me join and have the rest of the gang on my side! Of all the unfairness. I've been held at knife point by Billy and didn't die, so my point goes with knobs on.

Ah, I have digressed. I apologise, I meant only to ask about this new place and how to get back to London, and here I've written more than perhaps you wanted to read.
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