and I want to go. With a registered Starbucks card it's 2 for 1 entry. But I don't want to go alone and really am never sure where the Burke is located.
Coffee: The World in Your Cup
Exhibit extended through September 7, 2009!
Due to a strong local response, the Burke Museum has decided to extend its current exhibit, Coffee: The World In Your Cup, through the summer. Instead of closing in June, Coffee will continue through Sept. 7, before beginning a national tour to museums in Oregon, Iowa, and Texas. Weekend coffee tastings are currently scheduled through June 7.
"Nothing says Seattle like coffee," said exhibit coordinator Ruth Pelz. "The Burke's Coffee exhibit has been very popular so far and we expect it to have great appeal for summer visitors and tourists looking for a unique Seattle experience."
Coffee: The World in Your Cup presents the story of one of the world's most widely traded commodities and how it has affected cultures, economies, and environments across the globe. Coffee explores the environmental and social impacts of the coffee industry and recommends ways for consumers to make socially and environmentally responsible coffee purchases at the grocery store or in a coffee shop. Learn about the impacts of caffeine, the world's most commonly-used drug, on your body, discover coffee's early controversial reputation as a "revolutionary drink," and consider the culture that surrounds coffee in the twenty-first century. Photos, maps, text, selected artifacts, audiovisual presentations, and hands-on demonstrations help visitors explore the fascinating world behind the coffee we drink.
Coffee: The World in Your Cup was organized by the Burke Museum in collaboration with a panel of advisors from the University of Washington, the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, Seattle University, Seattle Audubon, and the Specialty Coffee Industry. Major support for the exhibition has been provided by The Boeing Company, Microsoft Corporation, Starbucks Coffee Company, and the University of Washington, with additional support from the Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs.
Special Guided Tours of the exhibit Coffee: The World in Your Cup are now available. For a limited time only, seniors can enjoy guided tours at the Burke Museum for the special rate of $4.50 per person. Adults can enjoy a guided tour for the regular rate of $7.50 per person. (A minimum of 15 people is required for guided tours.) Please call 206-543-5591 or email for details or to schedule your tour.