Journal Entry for week 4

Feb 07, 2008 15:21

    Although "Everything is Nice" was not a very clear story (meaning I read it twice and didn't even understand who the main character was), it is easy to see some examples of reactions to culture shock within the reading. One example is how the girl involved explains where she is from and attempts to show some kind of contempt for it (too many cars and trucks). This backfires after the old woman says that "trucks are good" or something to that effect. Then she attempts to back out of the situation altogether. Escaping from cultural confrontation is a natural response when you are being faced with something that makes you feel inferior or ignorant. It is also common to lash out at these types of situation in anger. However, there are several methods of dealing with this type of stress.
    When experiencing difficulties in a foreign culture, remember WHY you wanted to come to this culture in the first place. Remember any type of opposition or doubts you might have faced from yourself or others, and use that as motivation not to fail and to try your best. If you succumb to frustration, regain your composure the best you can. Try not to make too much out of certain mistakes and just reassure yourself that it is just a natural step in order to adjust to a new culture.
    Always remember that if you give up, you will in some degree regret it for the rest of your life, especially if the commitment to living in another culture was a big one. Suffering itself is a way to grow. If you feel terrible living in another culture due to culture shock, do your best to stay strong, because once you have passed the suffering you will have gained a lot out of it, and maybe even start to enjoy your stay.
    Another important thing is communication. Always make sure you fully communicate your feelings to the people you are having problems with. Be willing to compromise what you want in order to maintain harmony with the people you are with. If there is something that truly bothers you at least try to communicate that sentiment, because the more tension that is built the more difficult it will become.
    Above all else stay humble. Remember you are not doing anybody any favors by them having to deal with you- they are doing you the favor by letting you be in their culture. Always have that mind-set, even if you don't really believe it. Try not to take anything too personal and make sure to keep your feelings under control.
    Through these methods I was able to control myself while living in another culture. Sometimes the frustration and alienation would be so unbearable to me, I would go into a bathroom or somewhere and pound my fist against the wall. I don't really recommend this but try to find a good outlet for your stress. Do not be afraid to refer to things that comfort you or remind you of home, but try not to become absorbed in them and end up being homesick.

BY THE WAY if you are into hip-hop music check out my page: I go by the name "B Logic". Peace and much love to you
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