What the fuck is wrong with kids today? I got home from shopping at all-night Wal*Mart at about 3:00 this morning and some douche bag kid was taking a whiz on the tyres of our other car in front of the house. I parked and got out of the car and he sprinted up the alley away from me and ran into local meth dealer's apartment. Granted, I was steamed, but wrote it off the antics of a tweaker. So I unloaded and put away the groceries and then sat on the front porch and read the Wall Street Journal that the delivery guy had dropped off in the meantime. About 15 mins later a police cruser rolled by the house and called me over, it seems the paranoid little freak was afraid I was going to jump his ass when he went to his car. I told the 5-0 that no I was reading the aper as I do every night and was waiting for the Wild Oats to open at 6:00 so I could finish shopping and then go to bed. Furthermore, I told them that the little darling who had called them was at a location that was as we say here in the Land of Enchantment a "narcatotrafficante". THe cops knocked on the apartment door and the kid came out and told them that it was his girlfriend's crib, which made me loff and loff because the only girlfriend in this cat's life was a bitch named 'tina. So anyways he got in his ride (NM 130 GPX) and took off, I got a good look at him, he was about 25 and was at least 6'2", now granted he was wearing skintight black girl's jeans, a blouse, and a skinny tie, and the celebrity he most resembled was Avril LaVigne (or however the fuck you spell her name) but good gawd a young fellow should be able to stick up for himself against a guy twenty years his senior. The cops said they couldn't cite him for the public peepee because they didn't see it, nor did they have probable cause to search him for contraband because if he had it he probably ditched it when he saw the po-pos. What a nonce!
Example two: NAF's bro and his fam were in town for the recent nuptuals and one of the brother's kids is a soon to be 15 year old boy, we went swimming at the health club NAF and I belong to one afternoon, and the kid asked me to get out of the pool and accompany him to the potty, because he was scared to go by himself. Again I was WTF Chuck, its not like the health club is a freaking crack house or there is a Zombie infestation in Albuquerque, when I was his age I WORKED at a swimming pool for christ's sake and what boy his age still asks his uncle to go to the potty with him. I think kids today are both scared and molly coddled beyond belief. My last anticdote as to why I might have that special serial killer sheen, is my visit to dog park Wednesday evening. I take the dogs around 8:00 pm and so do a lot of other people, because of the heat and the parks are well lit, and well attended. That night I was the only person there so I was planning on letting the dogs run around for a bit and then taking off, but after a few minutes a middle aged soccer mom type rolled up a called me over to the fence. I thought she might need directions or something but instead she pulled out this long black cylindrical object I thought might be a vibrator and I was on instant "weirdo alert", I asked he what she needed taking care not to get to close to El Vibrador. Then she says, "THIS is a TAY-ZOR" (she said it all drawn out like; TAAAAYZOOOR)" Then I snapped she meant tazer as in cattle prod. THen I said "Ummm Okay then". THen she said she would use it on me if I "Tried anything" I thought Jesus Christ lady. if your that nervious wait for me to leave the park with my dogs until you bring yours in. It seems as though as of late people find me more intimidating, nothing has changed except ya'know I just turned the big 4-0, so now I am officially out of the "likely to be a serial killer" category in regards to age, happily my gender and ethnicity keep me in the running. I ask you though is This the face of a killer?