I freaking hate curves and gradients when I have to find some god forsaken way of cutting them into a site. Screw curvy lines and retarded gradients. I don't care if they're pretty. They make my life hell.
And the news for the day. For anyone like me that was a wee bit skeptical of Johnny Depp's ability to sing, Yahoo has a 40ish second clip of him actually singing. Not just sorta speaking in tune, but honest to god diaphram supported singing. Kinda neat and kinda Depp. Now I'm just waiting for Mr. Rickman's vocal ability to be verified.
http://www.yahoo.com/s/747460 There was a second bit of news and now I've forgotten.
Well, if anyone knows a good way of taking gradients with variable image overlaps and getting them onto the web with overlaying pull quote type things. Lemme know because I'd kinda like to sleep some time this week... that way I can pretend to spell.
Oh yea, other news. I'm sorta being offered a web intership/work study thing. Seems there is a path that way. Now the question is does the path look pretty and do we get potty breaks.
JOSH: You taking Nearing's other two courses? Flash or web programing? Notice the lack of "are." We ghetto-ified up in this hizouse.
Retarded format is intentional. I'm mad at the internet and I'm taking it out on everyone else. Please send complaints to Al "Lockbox" Gore.