Five kinks and one turn-off - Kink: Happy sex.

Jun 04, 2011 23:49

Title: Five kinks and one turn-off - Kink: Happy sex.
Author: des_pudels_kern
Fandom: Fandom-neutral, though I think it would fit well into Harvard-era The Social Network
Pairing, Characters: male character/male character (no names are given)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Any characters mentioned here belong to their respective creators; the names of any real people mentioned refer to fictionalised versions of these people. No money is made and no offense intended.
Length: 811 words
Summary: Happy sex between two unspecified males, but I had Harvard-era TSN in mind when I wrote it. Consider it a choose-your-own-adventure fic and apply your favourite pairing!
Author's Note: Part of the Five kinks and one turn-off fic challenge I set myself after a discussion on tsn-km-gather about kinks here, asking for, wait for it, people's favourite kinks in fic and a turn-off. And yes, I know, hot, rough, fierce, passionate, angry is good. But happy sex is so, so good too, and much ignored in fic.
My list:
Kinks, in no particular order:
1. h/c (t.b.a.)
2. outdoor sex (t.b.a.)
3. Happy sex (here)
4. Dubcon (I'll cheat here and use the WIP I'm writing on the kink meme - still anon, though, but maybe this'll get me to sit down and work on an update)
5. Sex heavy on detailed sensual descriptions (t.b.a.)
'Cum' (TSN, Mark (implied Eduardo/Mark), Dustin (implied Chris/Dustin), PG-13)
Comments much appreciated, including concrit (as long as it's polite).
Written: May 2011

Kink: Happy sex.

You try to slide in carefully and smoothly, and you think you almost manage, biting your lip as you push deeper into the tight, slick heat, your hands splayed on the back of his thighs, trying to hold him or yourself in place, fingers still slippery with lube leaving wet smears. Then you are inside, catching your breath and trying not to move as you let him adjust to your size, and you look up and catch his eyes is this okay, are you okay and find him looking at you, with a strange, tender smile on his face, awe and wonder and love, a hand reaching up to brush against your chest, and it makes you want to melt.

You release the lip you were worrying with your teeth as you instinctively smile back at him. Then he nods at you, and you move, you just circle your hips, still hesitant, and his eyes widen, his mouth falls open in a silent gasp, and he tenses under you, fingers digging into the sheets, shit shit shit.

Your breath is coming in quick, shallow puffs now, no longer controlled but stuttering with the onset of panic , and you let go of his legs and brace yourself against the bed, trying to pull back slowly, but then his legs come up and wrap around you, pushing you in instead, close, deep, and an arm snakes around your neck and pressed down, puts you completely off-balance, you half fall, half are pulled down until you must almost be splitting him in half, and he fits his mouth to yours, open and hot, and smiles into you, laughs and gasps and do that again, his length caught between your bodies, hard and with a spot of wetness you are sure is not lube, and, oh, okay.

And so you do, you do, and keep doing it, and you smile back, a smile so huge you think it must be splitting your face in two, fondness and adoration and love, and he smiles back, smiles and gasps laughter up at you as you watch him, feel him coming apart under you, around you, heaving chest and shaking hands dancing over your skin and trembling and ankles digging into the small of your back. You circle and move and touch and roam and feel, reach down and close your hand around him and thumb over the head, spreading the liquid you find there. He inhales, sharply, back arching off the bed, head thrown back, legs locked around your waist, and when he looks up again his eyes are huge and dark and he's looking at you like you just did something incredible, mouths a soundless do that again, and you laugh, you did that to him, and you do it again, and his head falls back down and his hips rise up to meet you when you push down.

You feel so much, it's building up in you, it feels like you're flying, and he's shaking beneath you, around you, clenching, rhythmically, arrhythmically, pulsing wet over your hand, and then you are falling, deeper and deeper, pulsing and shaking yourself.

When you are coming down you have collapsed on top of him, legs no longer wrapped around you, chest heaving under yours as much as your weight allows, and you pull out with a wince, try to pull up and away from the stickiness between your bodies, but his hands come up weakly and scrabble at your back, and his mouth latches onto your neck, kissing and sucking, hey, and he grins, you can feel him grin against your skin, we should do this again, and you nod, and then he lets you roll off.

You don't want to move, not anymore, not ever again, just tie the condom into a knot and hope it lands in the basket, turn and mop up the worst of the mess between you with a corner of the sheet, ugh, wrinkled nose, no move to stop or help you, grin still in place, firmly, then you plaster yourself to his side and lock eyes again. Your own smile turns wider until you are both just lying there, pawning half-heartedly at each other, arms still heavy in post-orgasmic haze but unable not to touch, grinning stupidly, eyes heavy-lidded and crinkled with happiness, and it's so good, it's so much it just bursts out of you and you bury your face in the crook of his shoulder and smile and laugh it all into it, head turning until your lips brush over stubble, his body shaking next to yours and his breath gasps of silent laughter in your hair, and you fall asleep like that, still smiling stupidly against his skin, and the world is bright and warm and so good and nothing can ever hurt you.


Name five of your favourite kinks in fic, and one turn-off, and write for each a fic of at least 100 words. Fandom(s) are up to you. Kinks don't necessarily have to be sexual, if you are a gen fan write six gen ficlets. (And if you don't mind, link me. I'm curious.)

the social network

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