preventative pains in the ass

Jul 23, 2010 11:04

 Yes I know bed bugs are terrible things to have. I am at least happy my building management takes it serious at the slightest start of a possible infestation.

That being said, preparing for it is a big pain in the ass. It's not as severe as last time so I don't have to take all my clothes out of my place for the next two weeks but my furniture is all conglomerated into the middle of the suite, vacuumed to death and hopefully we did it right. Without Julie & Jennifer's help I doubt I could have coped as well as I did. Aside from the overly fattiness of the steak it was still damn good to have it when we were done. Crashing at J&J's tonight so I don't have to face putting things back together until tomorrow. At least I can reorganize perhaps a bit better. Julie called it an enforced spring cleaning. I can't help but agree. It has helped me realize I need a better vacuum cleaner than what i have.

Mage goodness is happening tonight and Sunday. I am especially stoked for tonight. I was told by the storytellers i got a lot of role play XP nominations and I that makes me really really happy. I am so into this character and it's nice to know she actually matters to the plot. 
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