yesterday, i fulfilled one of my oldest dreams...

May 25, 2005 19:19

I was having a sociology lesson with one of the least sociologically- minded teachers in the school, by which I mean that she's a typically british, closed minded woman.
most of the class left before she got there, because she's so...annoying. So there were about sis of us, 5 people I don't really know sitting at the back, and me sitting roughly in the middle, where I normally sit. ( I thought some of my friends might still come in, considering the exam is tommorrow).

So, she starts teaching. well, I say teaching, it was a bit like a counselling session. she told us everything that frustrated her about teaching, the education system, her children etc. after 40 minutes of this i was amazingly bored. we have THREE hours of sociology on a monday morning, it's hard enough to stay awake when we're learning relevant stuff.

Soon, she moves on to some relevant suff. saying how you shouldn't label people etc. then, out of nowhere she starts talking about how ethnicity hold you back. now, this is part of the course, but not a big part. She was really going for it, saying how the brightest girl in school was black and how she didn't want to stay on and do A levels, becAUSE IT'S NOT A PART OF HER CULTURE" apparently. she talk like that, like she's shouting- her voice is incredibly high pitched, she sounds like a dolphin.
anyway, after she'd said all this, she turns to me and says; "would you agree?" I didn't know at the time whether it was because I was sitting directly in front of her, or because I was the only ethnic one. either way, i wasn't in the mood, so I murmured a sort of agreeing noise.

By this time, we'd reached the end of the first hour. I was bored, and a bit angry, and tired, so I wasn't paying much attention. I had my head on the desk, but I still had my eyes open, i didn't want to be too disrespectful, she was trying her best. Then, out of nowhere, came " SOPHIE IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PLAY ATTENTION, YOU MIGHT AS WELL GO HOME" I'm sure she wasn't shouting it, but she had that kind of tone that said "just you DARE move"... I'd been hoping for an oppertunity to go, anything would have done.
So, I got up and left. I didn't say anything and she didn't say anything back.

I was soo happy. untill this morning when the head of year came and told me i'd "upset the teacher by walking out". even so, for one whole day , i was free, not through walking out, but from a teacher underestimating how bored I really was.
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