Timestamp Memeage

Feb 08, 2011 20:35

I always dig the timestamp meme.

Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.

Do your worst.

This ( Read more... )


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"Rhodey" and "Rodney" are easy to mistake for each other, but whatever thedeadparrot February 9 2011, 04:52:32 UTC
John doesn't really like it when VIPs visit Atlantis, even when they're not here to give them performance reviews or shut down the expedition or accidentally hand over the city to the Wraith. There's something about outsiders, about people who haven't lived in Pegasus long enough to understand it, that gives him an unwarranted defensive reaction that he can't control. He usually doesn't mind it. He's never been good with authority figures, even when he was back on Earth

He likes Rhodes -- Rhodey -- though. It helps that he's a light bird, too, and therefore not as willing to throw his weight around like some of the other brass who visit Atlantis. It also helps that he's apparently finessed Advanced Genius Management into an art form. John can appreciate that.

"How long do you think they'll be at it?" John asks. He resists the urge to perch on the edge of the lab table, not so much because Rodney will yell at him as the fact that Zelenka will give him a baleful, disappointed look that can only mean bad things in his future.

On the other side of the room, Rodney is making elaborate hand motions at the whiteboard and gesturing at a piece of technology that doesn't do much besides glow bright pink whenever a redhead walks by (For some reason, it ignores brunettes and blonds, and Simpson basically had to abduct MacInnes from the botany labs in order to test it properly). Tony Stark, world-famous billionaire and part-time superhero, is eating a hot dog and shouting out mostly-unhelpful criticism of Rodney's educational background, technical expertise, critical thinking skills, and fashion sense. "I give them five minutes before someone throws the first punch," Rhodey says.

"Nah," John replies. "Rodney's not so great with the violence. He's far more likely to storm off in a huff and ask Teyla to punch Tony for him." He scratches his arm as a crowd begins to gather around the whiteboard and a geek mindmeld/brainstorming session begins. John's not such a big fan of that; it makes it hard for him to think over the shouting.

"Maybe I should tell Tony he's about to step on the stasis field generator," Rhodey says. Across the room, Tony dodges a pen that's been thrown at his face. John's pretty sure Tony shouldn't have talked shit like that about Chin's mother. Chin's always been a little too projectile-happy for John's tastes. Must be why Rodney has her working on drone construction.

John says, "I think he'll figure it out eventually."


Re: "Rhodey" and "Rodney" are easy to mistake for each other, but whatever hannahrorlove February 9 2011, 18:21:55 UTC
Smiling SO HARD right now. Oh, that poor whiteboard.

This needs to be an epic six-part HBO miniseries with lots of snark and explosions.


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