More stuff

Jun 01, 2007 17:08

I am moving into my apartment for the summer tomorrow. OMG. I hate packing/moving. I can never seem to find the energy for it, even when I really need it. Like now.

Here's some of the other first kiss responses:

House/Envy for nania_shakri
Rodney/Radek for hannahorlove
Wilson/Sheppard for bironic

Also, shut up. I am totally not procrastinating on my foreman_fest fic. TOTALLY NOT.

Last thing: some more McHouse, because I like rain. Especially summer rain.

Title: Summer Rain, Or When You Stop Taking Chances, You Stay Where You Sit
Fandom: House/Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: House/McKay
Word count: 680 words
Rating: R
Summary: "Never really liked summers," Rodney says.
Notes: Self-indulgent weatherfic that takes place toward the end of High School Is Not Another Name For Hell. Un-betaed, because I'm just being hard core like that. Title stolen from U2. Yes, I like making them long.

( Summer Rain, Or When You Stop Taking Chances, You Stay Where You Sit )

writing, the real otp, meme

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