OMG Battlestar Galactica is so good OMG.
Roslin + Zarek = tons of awesome. Their powers combined, some badass shit is going to go down.
I won't lie, the fat made me cringe.
The Iraq War parallels aren't exactly subtle, but they fit really nicely into the world which is more than I can say about the abortion thing last season.
I find this new hardcore!Tigh interesting. Scary, but interesting.
Kara and Leoben are really creepy. That whole thing about killing him over and over again? Chills, man, chills.
I'd love to see more of Adama and Helo!Sharon's relationship. It looks incredibly interesting. Hopefully, there will be flashbacks.
Gaeta. So much love for Gaeta. Though you would think that Tyrol would at least suspect that Gaeta might be the one slipping them information.