Title: Masters of War
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG-13/R ?
Pairing: Hughes/Roy
Summary: One hundred days of the Ishbal Civil War
Feedback: The best thing evar. Flame away, even, if you feel like it.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything. I make no money. Etc.
Notes: Follows the manga canon, mostly, as I know in the anime that Hughes wasn't
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Comments 35
Oh, wow.
I -- guh.
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in this pairing, delicate and drawn out and lovely, a wonderful look at how they became friends (and more) and how the war affected Roy....
Great stuff. And I love the decision to split it up into these little scenes -- it really works well to cover the time they spend there, giving us just the moments that are worth remembering.
The idea of writing tiny pieces of a fic and then sticking them all together to create an entire whole is one of my favorites. You can mix together the important and unimportant events.
I also love writing war!roy because he angsts a lot and has denial issues. I like angst.
The ending. Wow. Implications. Wow.
This was so, so, so well done and well told. Good Lord.
Really sweet, very nice and clean in the style, but gritty in context. Thank you for sharing it!
Bob Dylan love, yay! I adore his music so, and I think "Masters of War" could pass for being a folk song in the FMA universe. Hopefully.
I'm really glad that I managed to get the sort of grit and war of Ishbal acrosse, because I was sort of scared that I didn't manage to capture that enough.
You needn't have worried, the grit was just fine. Sandy, even. :)
I love the very simple writing - even the not-list parts of the story read like lists, and it just works very well.
Of course, that's what every writer wants to hear, that their writing reads like lists. ;) I know what you mean though. It strikes me as very Roy to be economical in his thoughts.
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