A Christian is reborn in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit can well guide him to choose righteousness if he follows. No-one-is-perfect can no longer be an excuse.
a Christian friend of mine.. methodist i believe, said.. i was an "apathetic agnostic".. a person who doesn't know if there is a higher power, and doesn't really care if one exists
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Where do you get all the information about Jesus from? Not this "misinformend" "true word" I suppose? Isn't your opinion, which is based on all these other ones, a little bit prejudiced?
Well, God created this perfect world, gave Adam and Eve all they ever needed. And upon their fall, created a plan of salvation: the laws, the prophecies and the sacrifice of Jesus... It's us who have done the evil deed, He DID NOT need to do any of the above. It's not like He hasn't told us how to be reconciled to Him. If after all these He has done for us, a person still doesn't believe in the mere existence of Him, does he/she deserve Jesus going to Hell for him/her.
it's misinformed, because logically speaking, information is naturally going to decay when expressed. any artist will tell you that, thought to hand is never going to produce what is originally thought of. even if god told the deciples and everyone else what to write, they are still writing it.. a human being even my biblical standards are meant to fail, it's going through the brain which can never truly produce something 100%. so it's doomed from the beginning. not to mention the generations it was pass down, not to mention translations to other languages, not to mention edits done by the Vatican, not to mention the dozens or so different versions of the bible.. and even if there is an excuse for all of this.. you still have human perspective to change it all. personally i'd never put faith into something like that
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I know you have had that question going for quite awhile now, so i'll answer it: What was Jesus' sacrifice for? From the time Adam and Eve fell, they had to sacrifice animals to atone for their sins, over and over again because it wasnt enough to cover all their sins and those up coming. Jesus became just like one of those animals, and He died to cover all our sins, and He could because He was the perfect "lamb". He died for the sins of those that were to come, and so that those who believe in Him will not die, but have everlasting life
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well i think thats sorta the problem, people usually just give an answer, any answer, when they don't know. (not to say that is the case here, but people would rather seem ignorant, than unknowing
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True that, and i've been caught out a few times myself talking to people about computer specifications. I'm just not rich enough. But that isnt what i meant when i said most questions have a way to be answered. I should have said, all things can be brought to truth
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I believe in free will, and im not a catholic. It's just that from a bigger point of view, we really dont have free will in the sense of choosing right or wrong, because we are all sinners.
Say, how do you view a sacrifice then?
Nah, i dont think all religions point to the same doctrine. Muslims have their fatwa's and jihads, and Hindu's have their reincarnation, along with the millions of gods...etc, etc, unless you are talking about something else...
yes.. i'm talking fundlementally the golden rule.. "do unto other as you would want to do to you ".. that sort of thing.
everyone wants to be nice to each other, however everyone rarely are.
and i view sacrafice as giving something away that you can't afford to give away.. death.. it's something everyone pays.. and saying he died for "our sins" .. well why couldn't i say.. or anyone say the same thing.. or do you need a few thousand people to follow you to perputate this idea?
Where do you get all the information about Jesus from? Not this "misinformend" "true word" I suppose? Isn't your opinion, which is based on all these other ones, a little bit prejudiced?
Well, God created this perfect world, gave Adam and Eve all they ever needed. And upon their fall, created a plan of salvation: the laws, the prophecies and the sacrifice of Jesus... It's us who have done the evil deed, He DID NOT need to do any of the above. It's not like He hasn't told us how to be reconciled to Him. If after all these He has done for us, a person still doesn't believe in the mere existence of Him, does he/she deserve Jesus going to Hell for him/her.
From the time Adam and Eve fell, they had to sacrifice animals to atone for their sins, over and over again because it wasnt enough to cover all their sins and those up coming.
Jesus became just like one of those animals, and He died to cover all our sins, and He could because He was the perfect "lamb". He died for the sins of those that were to come, and so that those who believe in Him will not die, but have everlasting life ( ... )
i'm not seeing how it's a perfect sacrafice... or a sacrafice at all.
and all religions point out the same doctrine.
it's all a basis of the golden rule, and it's mostly common sense.
Say, how do you view a sacrifice then?
Nah, i dont think all religions point to the same doctrine. Muslims have their fatwa's and jihads, and Hindu's have their reincarnation, along with the millions of gods...etc, etc, unless you are talking about something else...
everyone wants to be nice to each other, however everyone rarely are.
and i view sacrafice as giving something away that you can't afford to give away.. death.. it's something everyone pays.. and saying he died for "our sins" .. well why couldn't i say.. or anyone say the same thing.. or do you need a few thousand people to follow you to perputate this idea?
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