Day two, in a stiff, clean pore kind of way.

Feb 15, 2007 18:07

Well, There is this girl at school.
I feel so bad for her, not like a self-righteous I am better than you kind of deal, but honestly.

She tries so hard.
And that breaks my heart.
It's like there is this thing insidher crawling around, gnashing crying screaming, even begging for love. Some temporary dirty, empty, conditional love that will never satisfy.

Even if it means that she has to do whatever it takes to physically add up to others expectations.

What sucks even more.
I think I am guilty of giving this "love".
You know the whole, pretty people are easier to love.

I dated a girl whou would dress REALLY nice for the first few weeks of class then by the end of the semester, baggy pants and a t-shirt.
she worked , but even more so,
she was really hot.
I feel like such scum when the cripple broken and hurting are discriminated against.
the worst part, I do it with my eyes.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.
That saved a wretch like me.
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