1) Some of you probably know that my back is completely wack. That is to say, it hurts pretty much all the time.
2) Some of you may also know that the revolutionary
Tempur-Pedic mattress is supposed to relieve huge amounts of back pain.
3) If you
ask for it, they'll send you a free sample of the Tempur material
Read more... )
I finally have an "in" with the asian mafia in montreal.
Plus you should come visit me over spring break. DO IT!!!!
I won't tell Tempurpedia
Dude, I really should visit you over spring break. We should talk about it soon. When are you coming home?
Thanks for keeping it on the low.
Miss you, sucka.
Ok, my spring break starts Mon the 23rd. I'm going to be home Tuesday through Thursday that week, so even if you can't come to Montreal (although you SHOULD because it fabulous) I'll get to see you then! Let's talk soon. CALL ME or go online, you crazy... crazy.
you are the original gangster
mad love
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