I'm Baaaaack...Sorta

Feb 07, 2013 21:34

So, a lot of stuff has been going on that has kept me away from here; mainly work, and being swallowed up by the Dragon Age Big Bang. Seeing as how both of those are finished (more on that tomorrow, when I have time to get into it), I'm popping back in to say hi and to let you all know that some beautiful people have nominated me for the lotsfic_awards. The following stories have been nominated, and you can vote here if you are so inclined:

Best Darkfic/Horror:

The Very Worst Part of You (Is Me)
The Space Between

Best Smut:

The Heat of Battle
Steal Some Covers, Share Some Skin
Jealousy (Sometimes it Gets You Laid) (with simplesetgo and endgirl)
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