Friday 13th December:
Humdinger of a hangover. Disproportionate to the consumption. Was very glad I had frontloaded work. It was after 10:00 when I finally crawled out of bed.
Happily I managed to get my arse into gear after that. Finished report then fired it off. Did a cleaning blitz of the flat. Satisfying. I was hoping that might loud efforts might inspire P to clean his bloody bathroom but I suspect he still hasn't done it almost three weeks after B-Day. Tried not to let this upset me too much. We had a nice chat about White Christmas so I tried to harness the festive spirit. Wrapped a few presents, wrote a few cards, washed bedding. Also bought some new filters for the flat's air filteration system. Felt quite grown up.
BW got back in touch saying the report was fab and after a few cosmetic changes all I had to do was record a video presentation. After I eventually remembered how to work Zoom it was mission accomplished.
Feeling quite pleased with myself I asked the internet if anybody fancied some gallery type fun. No one replied. Was vaguely considering a walk to the shops when Rob replied to an invite to the pub in the evening. This worked out quite nicely since at 15:30 some data arrived for a monthly report I'd almost forgotten about. Powered through with all guns blazing and amazingly had almost finished it by the time Rob arrived at the pub five hours later.
Very good to see him and nice to utilise my local. An attractive singer songwriter was playing inoffensive covers of predictable crowd pleasers like Wonderwall. Felt quite Christmassy. I bought Rob lunch as a Christmas thank you and we sensibly went home after a moderate three pints.
Checking my emails I saw BW had been back in touch with a request from the end client for information on a very specific new drug. Made myself a Christmas coffee and battered away until midnight with a shiny new slide. Once again I was amazed at how industrious I can be when needs be. Need to harness that more next year.
Bed with the Infinite Monkey Cage talking about hedgehogs ...
Today's expenditure:
Air filters: £39.55
Drinks and dinner at pub: £49.70
Total: £89.25 - steady on Dave!
Alcohol consumption:
1x pint of Fader
2x pints Gamma Ray