the 4s thing...

Oct 17, 2007 09:43

Four Jobs I've Held:
1. Code 99 (Wal-mart stooge)
2. Air Personality (Radio DJ)
3. Dish washer
4. Teacher

Four Films I Could Watch Again and Again:
1. Sliding Doors
2. Bring It On
3. The Emperor's New Groove
4. Garden State

Four TV Shows I Watch:
1. Bones
2. Dexter
3. The Big Bang Theory
4. Weeds

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Carrollton, GA
2. Nashville, TN
3. San Francisco, CA
4. Long Beach, CA

Four Favorite Foods:
1. Pizza
2. Life Cereal
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Ham

Four Websites I Visit Everyday:
1. LiveJournal
2. Yahoo! Mail
3. Bear411
4. My school site

Four Favorite Colors:
1. Yellow
2. Red
3. Green
4. Brown

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. swimming up to a bar in Maui
2. in my bed
3. watching a sunset from the beach
4. talking to my mom

Four Qualities I Wish I Had:
1. Patience
2. Patience
3. Patience
4. A Longer Fuse

I tag:
1. chillos
2. mrmaxdaddy
3. whickerybasket
4. oneiricvision


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