And all the year amounts to...

May 14, 2005 15:49


The yearbook is CLASSIC! Just CLASSIC!

Tassie won "Most Unpredictable" in the Eighth Grade Superlatives, and she has her picture taken with this obnoxious kid, Ben Redford (infamous for bringing his really cool Folders O'Porn to school) in the middle of the quad. She's got one arm around his neck in a headlock, and Ben's struggling to get out of it, perspiration beads forming on his face. Later on she told me it wasn't a faked pose at all; he asked her to pose nude for him so he could "draw her", Leo-on-the-Titanic style. I've seen Redford's drawings. They're about as talented as my four-year-old nephew's Study of the Dumptruck series. I'm sure Tassie would have looked amazing.

I, on the other hand, won a superlative of my own.

Best Actress 2004, Grade 8.

It was for my portrayal of Helen Keller earlier in the year during "The Miracle Worker." Tassie hadn't been into the play at all. She's so talented she could easily have played opposite me, in Anne Sullivan's role, but she didn't want to. She was too busy organing what she liked to call "The Anti-Dance", which was a protest against the end of the year dance and its Utter Lameness. I did agree with her, the idea of standing in the gym beside a punch bowl in a horrible taffeta dress that my mom forced me to wear sounded about as appealing as letting Redford see me naked, but the play was so much fun.

Anyway, my mom, for once, is really proud of me.

She bought me a pink rose home and I feel like the Beast from "Beauty and the...", watching it wither helplessly, wishing it could be infinite.
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