Oct 12, 2011 19:20
It had been a long battle. One that Nathaniel had thought would be lost many times over the last hour or so. They had used up the field pouch poultices, and the Darkspawn just kept coming and coming until finally, FINALLY, they stopped.
Leaving Nate standing there, the solitary survivor of the Grey Warden patrol.
They had been gone too long, he knew that. They would be presumed dead, or lost in the deep roads, corrupted and as good as dead...
He had to get out of here.
It took him days, more days, to get out of the Deep Roads and then back up to the surface. The sunlight was blissful on his hide as he walked.
Finally he came to a hill and looked out over his destination. Smiling, he strode down, and entered the gates.
ooc: Once again it is vague. It could be Amaranthine or Kirkwall. All that really matters is...YOU THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD! And now he isn't! JOY!
anders | andersawake,
nathaniel howe | howe_its_done,
amell (female) | amellsinferno