[A familiar face appears from a neaby alleyway, coneveniently attached to a dwarf who seems to be toting a few suspicious packages. They are, perhaps, best left unremarked upon.]
Why, just look at what we have here! I must admit, there are any number of familiar faces in Kirkwall, but I can't say I was expecting yours. I hope I'm not... interrupting you two?
Isabela, Hawke, Varric order? (:ilikebigboatsMarch 18 2011, 04:57:13 UTC
[Isabela turns, then gives Varric an expression full of the most mock disappointment ever.]
Like there's ever anything to interrupt with Hawke. We were just going to pay a completely chaste, friendly, educational visit to Fenris because he won't even consider the other kinds.
Re: Isabela, Hawke, Varric order? (:dwarfstorytimeMarch 18 2011, 05:02:37 UTC
[Varric shrugs dismissively in an openly dramatic fashion.]
Now, now, what are you implying? I certainly wasn't implying that you were implying that I was--you know what? Never mind.
[Varric buffs his knuckles against his collar.]
So, visiting Fenris, you say? I don't suppose he found anything interesting in that old house, did he? I've heard rumors it was used for smuggling before he took up residence, but... alas, rumors don't always yield soverigns.
Re: Isabela, Hawke, Varric order? (:chronicheroMarch 19 2011, 01:31:29 UTC
[Hawke gives Isabela a despairing look. Between her and Varric, no wonder his reputation is... well, what it is.]
It'll be an educational visit because we need the education.
[He raises a hand to rub at his face.]
You wouldn't happen to know anything about the Tevinter Imperium, Varric? Specifically, how they deal with abominations without involving giant axes. Save all of us a great deal of awkwardness and embarrassment...
See? Totally chaste, friendly, educational, and boring.
[She is so disappointed, Hawke.]
Apparently Anders is going to go insane, and Hawke here needs to do something about it because that makes it his responsibility somehow. I will never understand these things.
[Varric raises an eyebrow, again, but with greater flourish.]
The Tevinter Imperium? I mut confess, a poor little dwarf like me wouldn't dream of stepping foot within those bounds. If you want answers, the elf is probably your best bet.
When it comes to abominations, however.... Well, you hear stories. I hear stories, anyway. Is that what you think Anders is up against? I must admit, it wouldn't surprise me much. He always played the game... dangerously.
Not an abomination precisely... does "sort of" even apply with these things?
[Hawke glances in the direction of Darktown where Anders is presumably still in his clinic, then back the way they were heading, hesitating. Then decides he's stalling- he has no right to be stalling, not when it involves innocent people- and starts moving again, beckoning for Varric to come with them, if he wants.]
[Fenris can't kill all of them...]
We might need your help. Would you like the short version of the story, the long version of the story, or Isabela's version of the story?
Hey! I'll have you know my version is completely closer to the truth. Yours cut out all the juicy personal details all the time. Those matter.
[She crosses her arms over her chest but follows along anyway when Hawke starts moving. Well at least this means she doesn't have to drag him any more. But damn, it won't be just the two of them and Fenris...]
[She glances over at Varric.]
So... would you believe we met a version of Hawke from the future, she was a woman, and Anders is going to blow up the Chantry? I suppose if you can believe one of those, the others won't be too hard...
[Varric follows Hawke, compelled by the thought of a good tale to tell later. The Hanged Man has been getting quiet.]
Hawke, you know I'm a listener. However could you doubt?
[He then holds up his hands in a mockingly defensive stance when he catches Isabela's eye.]
Hey, now! I'm a bard at heart; the most dramatic version is, by my standards, the best.
... And from the sound of it, you have that one covered, Riviaini. Now, what's this I heard about "juicy details"? Anything that would be suitable for, say, a profitable yet unofficial novelization?
She tells you that we've been talking to people from other universes and that Anders wants to spark off a war, and you're more interested in the gossip?
[Hawke shakes his head but- does seem to lighten up a little.]
At least with the two of you along, I'll never have to worry about taking things too seriously.
Well that's why we're going to figure out this whole Tevinter thing and stop him. Or you are. Or something. I'm just here to see the hilarious awkward tension, really.
[She falls into a comfortable walking pace beside Varric and of course she's telling him all the details. Again. In a half-hushed conspiratory voice that naturally she knows Hawke can still hear.]
We met a Fenris that was completely in love with Hawke or something, and now the big idiot is all uncomfortable. Oh! And the Hawke that was a woman, very attractive. We need to get him to shave sometime and -
Hawke, no matter how convoluted the situation or dark the skies, there's always money in gossip--and no end of fun, to boot. If there's war there's war. It was bound to happen eventually. I just want to be on the profitable side.
As for future Hawkes and mage wars, however.... Well, I wouldn't want to suggest you're crazy. After all, crazy people are dangerous.
[He blows a sarcastic kiss at Isabela.]
You seem to understand where I'm coming from. Awkward tension, now, that sells.... I'd make it sexual tension, of course--that sells even better--but I wouldn't want to intrude. As it stands, from the sound of things, you need a little lubricant. Don't worry; we dwarves are crafty folk. I hear we make the best around. Razors, too.
[Oh, Maker, they're not getting into this again. Time to change the subject.]
And neither of you are worried about Anders at all? The point is to help him, here. None of this makes you wonder what he's dealing with, or shatters any preconceptions you had about him being a generally good person, or anything like that?
[A new thought makes him stop in his tracks.]
...tell me I'm not the only person who still believes he is one.
[Isabela turns to catch Varric's kiss and press it to her heart dramatically, and almost runs right into Hawke's back while she's not looking.]
Well, we're going with you, aren't we?
[Still not sure how she feels about the whole Chantry thing. The very audacity of the move is certainly impressive, but then there's what that other Hawke had said. Blowing people up is one thing, lying to them about it is another. He could have just told them. She might even have helped.]
I don't know, he's always been sort of... mages mages mages about everything. How much do we even know is the demon thing and not, you know, him? Haven't seen him around the Hanged Man lately, I know I couldn't tell you. Unless I've been somehow missing him...
[She throws a questioning look at Varric, as if asking for confirmation.]
Look, Hawke, you can't go around taking everyone's actions to heart. I always hoped Anders would see sense about the whole thing, but if he doesn't, I fail to see where that's my problem. ... Or are you suggesting it's more of a problem than I think?
If so, then perhaps you're right. He's got a strong spirit, that lad, and I don't mean Justice. I'd like to help him, if there's a way. Note the "if".
[Varric inwardly moans. He tries to help everyone. Why do they always make it so difficult?]
[Thankfully, Isabella interrupts his train of thought.]
He's been showing his face from time to time, but that doesn't mean a lot in the Hanged Man. It can mean you need a drink, it can mean you need a favor, it can mean you need a soapbox, it can mean you need a ... 'good time.' Still, a little birdie made it sound like he's been especially out-of-sorts. You're right. We need to handle this.
If he truly is planning on destroying the Chantry with everyone still inside-
[He doesn't want to believe it, but he does anyway. Everything that- Marian had told him has held up so far. She'd even known about the whole distracting the Grand Cleric plan. And the way Anders had acted about it...]
[It always comes down to this, doesn't it? The same question every time.]
Right. "If we don't stop him, who will?" And here we go to save the day again.
Now if either of you can think of a way to bring this whole mess up to Fenris that won't have him punching through our chests- or Anders' chest...
Why, just look at what we have here! I must admit, there are any number of familiar faces in Kirkwall, but I can't say I was expecting yours. I hope I'm not... interrupting you two?
[He permits himself a smug cock of the eyebrow.]
[Isabela turns, then gives Varric an expression full of the most mock disappointment ever.]
Like there's ever anything to interrupt with Hawke. We were just going to pay a completely chaste, friendly, educational visit to Fenris because he won't even consider the other kinds.
Now, now, what are you implying? I certainly wasn't implying that you were implying that I was--you know what? Never mind.
[Varric buffs his knuckles against his collar.]
So, visiting Fenris, you say? I don't suppose he found anything interesting in that old house, did he? I've heard rumors it was used for smuggling before he took up residence, but... alas, rumors don't always yield soverigns.
It'll be an educational visit because we need the education.
[He raises a hand to rub at his face.]
You wouldn't happen to know anything about the Tevinter Imperium, Varric? Specifically, how they deal with abominations without involving giant axes. Save all of us a great deal of awkwardness and embarrassment...
[She is so disappointed, Hawke.]
Apparently Anders is going to go insane, and Hawke here needs to do something about it because that makes it his responsibility somehow. I will never understand these things.
The Tevinter Imperium? I mut confess, a poor little dwarf like me wouldn't dream of stepping foot within those bounds. If you want answers, the elf is probably your best bet.
When it comes to abominations, however.... Well, you hear stories. I hear stories, anyway. Is that what you think Anders is up against? I must admit, it wouldn't surprise me much. He always played the game... dangerously.
[Hawke glances in the direction of Darktown where Anders is presumably still in his clinic, then back the way they were heading, hesitating. Then decides he's stalling- he has no right to be stalling, not when it involves innocent people- and starts moving again, beckoning for Varric to come with them, if he wants.]
[Fenris can't kill all of them...]
We might need your help. Would you like the short version of the story, the long version of the story, or Isabela's version of the story?
[She crosses her arms over her chest but follows along anyway when Hawke starts moving. Well at least this means she doesn't have to drag him any more. But damn, it won't be just the two of them and Fenris...]
[She glances over at Varric.]
So... would you believe we met a version of Hawke from the future, she was a woman, and Anders is going to blow up the Chantry? I suppose if you can believe one of those, the others won't be too hard...
Hawke, you know I'm a listener. However could you doubt?
[He then holds up his hands in a mockingly defensive stance when he catches Isabela's eye.]
Hey, now! I'm a bard at heart; the most dramatic version is, by my standards, the best.
... And from the sound of it, you have that one covered, Riviaini. Now, what's this I heard about "juicy details"? Anything that would be suitable for, say, a profitable yet unofficial novelization?
[Hawke shakes his head but- does seem to lighten up a little.]
At least with the two of you along, I'll never have to worry about taking things too seriously.
[She falls into a comfortable walking pace beside Varric and of course she's telling him all the details. Again. In a half-hushed conspiratory voice that naturally she knows Hawke can still hear.]
We met a Fenris that was completely in love with Hawke or something, and now the big idiot is all uncomfortable. Oh! And the Hawke that was a woman, very attractive. We need to get him to shave sometime and -
Hawke, no matter how convoluted the situation or dark the skies, there's always money in gossip--and no end of fun, to boot. If there's war there's war. It was bound to happen eventually. I just want to be on the profitable side.
As for future Hawkes and mage wars, however.... Well, I wouldn't want to suggest you're crazy. After all, crazy people are dangerous.
[He blows a sarcastic kiss at Isabela.]
You seem to understand where I'm coming from. Awkward tension, now, that sells.... I'd make it sexual tension, of course--that sells even better--but I wouldn't want to intrude. As it stands, from the sound of things, you need a little lubricant. Don't worry; we dwarves are crafty folk. I hear we make the best around. Razors, too.
And neither of you are worried about Anders at all? The point is to help him, here. None of this makes you wonder what he's dealing with, or shatters any preconceptions you had about him being a generally good person, or anything like that?
[A new thought makes him stop in his tracks.]
...tell me I'm not the only person who still believes he is one.
Well, we're going with you, aren't we?
[Still not sure how she feels about the whole Chantry thing. The very audacity of the move is certainly impressive, but then there's what that other Hawke had said. Blowing people up is one thing, lying to them about it is another. He could have just told them. She might even have helped.]
I don't know, he's always been sort of... mages mages mages about everything. How much do we even know is the demon thing and not, you know, him? Haven't seen him around the Hanged Man lately, I know I couldn't tell you. Unless I've been somehow missing him...
[She throws a questioning look at Varric, as if asking for confirmation.]
Look, Hawke, you can't go around taking everyone's actions to heart. I always hoped Anders would see sense about the whole thing, but if he doesn't, I fail to see where that's my problem. ... Or are you suggesting it's more of a problem than I think?
If so, then perhaps you're right. He's got a strong spirit, that lad, and I don't mean Justice. I'd like to help him, if there's a way. Note the "if".
[Varric inwardly moans. He tries to help everyone. Why do they always make it so difficult?]
[Thankfully, Isabella interrupts his train of thought.]
He's been showing his face from time to time, but that doesn't mean a lot in the Hanged Man. It can mean you need a drink, it can mean you need a favor, it can mean you need a soapbox, it can mean you need a ... 'good time.' Still, a little birdie made it sound like he's been especially out-of-sorts. You're right. We need to handle this.
[He doesn't want to believe it, but he does anyway. Everything that- Marian had told him has held up so far. She'd even known about the whole distracting the Grand Cleric plan. And the way Anders had acted about it...]
[It always comes down to this, doesn't it? The same question every time.]
Right. "If we don't stop him, who will?" And here we go to save the day again.
Now if either of you can think of a way to bring this whole mess up to Fenris that won't have him punching through our chests- or Anders' chest...
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