Mar 28, 2011 21:16
i was at starbucks, i go to this starbucks fairly frequently so they know who i am and what i order etc
so this dude whos making my drink starts talkin to me
and says my hair looks like seto kaiba's
this immidiately set off an alarm in my head
one: that im faggy enough to know who seto kaibi is
two: that hes faggy enough to know who seto kaiba is
three: that i look like a fag
so im just kind of like uhh okay
he asks me "so what are you up to tonight?"
im like "just headin home"
he hands me my drink
and theres a heart made out of chocolate syrup on it
and then he asked me for his number
and im like dude im not gay
the chick next to me was like "thats a shame, you'd make a cute gay guy"
so im like "does that mean you want my number too?"
and she said "no, you look gay"