May 23, 2007 22:35
The web guy came up tonight and we had a meeting about the website. It went pretty well, and I think we've sorted out most of the issues we have with our current layout. There are too many things on it for the really simple layout we wanted. After all I wanted it stuffed full of Dark Red goodies. So we'll build a new one that will conform to our new priorities. Get the comic out there and support the areas that build a Dark Red community online.
I'll probably get my blog on the site and we'll have the site available to the blind as well. We've found a place that will advise on that latter point and even audit us if we want. I'll see how much it is first. We'll also get some Project Wonderful ads and a badly needed archive section, put a second nav bar at the top of the comic page and simplify the menu system. My web guy also wants to put in a Dark Red news box on the left hand side somewhere.
He's going to think about stuff and come out with some layouts in a week or two. To begin with I said we didn't really need a new web design, but I've come round to the fact that we need to keep improving things. It's not just about me improving the art and writing, it's everything else that goes along with that. And it appears that Dark Red Comics and it's production team are committed to continual improvement. It's a good thing really.
I have to write a faqs section, so if there's anything you really want included, let me know.