Dec 14, 2006 19:21
I've been sleepy this week, and I've decided not to fight it. Go with the napping and chilling. The sky isn't light until about ten and it's getting dark at three again, and the shortest day is still a week away. So everyone around is kind of the same this time of year. It's also rained for about four weeks straight and lots of Scotland is flooded or is about to flood. It's a good thing I live three up. I want Christmas to be here and am longing for people to open the presents I've got for them. It's the best part of this time of year.
I'm feeling random just now.
Right you lot, time for a tiny bit of audience participation.
Tell me your name, your gender and country, area that you stay in.
I'm Lynn, I'm female and I live in Glasgow, Scotland.
Pretty simple stuff really. Just want to get to know you people a tiny bit better. If you don't normally comment this would be the ideal time.
And finally something random for the cat lovers out there...