Jun 26, 2005 01:29
WTF? Or maybe Christian Bale. Either way Batman Begins was not that great. I saw it with my sister and Betsy and Betsy fell asleep for like half of it. I liked the story even though it was a little skewed from the comic book and the original Batman movies, but I just couldn't like Christian Bale (Kristen Bale-if you're my dad) in the suit. After the movie we were fucking starving (my stomach started to consume itself) so we decided to go to the newly opened IHOP in Anderson. Good luck getting a decent meal if you actually have a life and don't go to bed before 8:30. Not really more like 12 but still, it's fucking IHOP for God's sake. So we decided to try Perkin's. They are open 24 hrs....but there was eleventy-billion fucking people there. So we ended up going to the Taco Lounge and Arby's. Kind of gay but oh well. Betsy was hassling me for not updating my LJ in like a year. I told her I have been busy but really I am just lazy. Typing is too involved for me. So I will sum up what has been happening in my life the past couple of weeks. Tennis clinic for 3 hrs on Mon. and Wed....Bible School last week (quite gay)....my sister got home from college on the 20th....Parents being gay and still not getting my car fixed (IT HAS BEEN BROKE FOR 3 MONTHS). That's pretty much it. Tomorrow I have to go to a gay family reunion. There will be tons of people I don't know and the ones I do know have not seen me since I dyed my hair black. Nasty shock for them. Long live Michael Keaton...Christian (Kristen) Bale, eat dick.