R.I.P Hard Disk platter 0

Jul 28, 2007 13:16

One of my hard disk platters on my old backup machine just died today. The primary platter containing the bulk of the C & D drive partitions went poof. Thank goodness I already moved most of the critical stuff out of those drives into my new PC, but I think I should be more frequent backup plans in the future to prevent this in the future.

Thankfully though, the Ubuntu boot CD allows me to fire up into a working OS to find out that the unbacked up stuff on my other remaining too partitions are still working. A quick network hookup and some Window Server mapping later, I'm quickly transferring the remaining stuff before the entire hard disk fails on me.

I'm wondering if I should salvage this hard disk or just get a new one to throw it in. The PC it is running on is in reasonable shape. I gotta figure out how to get the first two partitions black listed so I can get it to run on the remaining platters. If not, it'll get another hard disk to put it up on primary boot and use the surviving good parititons off this one as scratch.

Lets see how that goes....
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