We rented The Good Girl and Pirates of the Carribean. The good girl was ... weird. I hate affair movies. They make sick to my stomache. You want to pity Jennifers character, but at the same time, the stupid bitch had it comming. She had an affair.
I wanted to watch Pirates again because the first time Morrigan was talking through it, so I payed more attention to her. And you know the first time you are dazzled by Depp to pay attention to the plot anyhow. And Blooms hot ass.
At Women's Link today I was looking for some online support groups for women, and I got side-tracked by Sarah, talking about our junior high class where we learn cooking and parenting skills. She couldn't remember the name because I guess it's different in evey school. Home economics in most schools, but some are different I guess. ANYHOW... I went to my Jr. High website to find out if it was Home Ec. for sure, and saw that ALL my staff was STILL there. I know it hasn't been that long, but it's just weird. I'm 24. Twenty-fucking-four. It just amazes me that teachers there taught before me, taught me, and are STILL There. It makes me want to go hug them, even if I didn't like some of them...
I feel old.
Ziggy Stardust is ony my Launch Radio, and it's appropriate. I love Bowie.
I love everything right now. I'm happy. I know I'm in a crappy house, and our families our deranged, but I'm happy. And getting old :(.
I'm going to watch some Pirates. Fuck yeah.
Oh, and Morrigan tells you "stop it" when you tickle her. It's cute. She can say "tickle too". Okay, I can quote her forever now, so I'll shut up. It's amazing how smart she is. You just have to be here. Simply. Amazing. I love her. Words can't say how much.
I have to post it.
Ziggy played guitar, jammin' good with Weird and Gilly,
The spiders from Mars, he played it left hand
But made it too far
Became the special man, then we were Ziggy's band
Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo
Like some cat from Japan, he could lick 'em by smiling
He could leave 'em to hang
Came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan
So where were the spiders while the fly tried th break our balls
Just a beer light to guide us
So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?
Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we was voodoo
The kids was just crass. He was the nazz
With God given ass
He took it all too far, but boy could he play guitar
Making love with his ego, Ziggy sucked up into his mind
Like a leper messiah
When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band
Ziggy Played Guitar