Sep 22, 2007 14:17
Who: Jorge Mercado and anyone who wishes to flail argue show up
What: Getting to know you! (And Jade trying to take advantage of his weekend time while he has it.)
Where: The Dormitory
When: Thursday, in the evening
Rating: PG
Jorge Mercado frowned as he strolled into the lounge of the dormitory, still dressed in his school uniform and with his bag carelessly slung over one shoulder. Really, he was feeling much the worse for wear; a few days without a room for himself (as true gentleman, after all, was to take hardships upon himself,) and sleeping on the floor while he was at it? That was rough. So much so that he'd taken to staying at various hotels throughout Port Island just so he could finally have some peace.
But it behooved him to at least check in with S.E.E.S. on a regular basis, lest they think he was abandoning them or was otherwise untrustworthy. That was why he was there, and why he glanced around to see if anyone could give him a quick update. He'd never, after all, gone to Tartarus; he hoped that he wouldn't miss out. And there were his team mates... none of whose names he remembered off the top of his head. Shameful, really, but with everything going on it couldn't really be helped. Ah well; the only way to remedy the situation was to re-establish ties, and what better time than the present?