dude...what a fucking show...

Oct 24, 2004 20:41

last night i went to the dio show. last night i saw one of the best bands i have EVER seen. fireball ministry. another show to add to the list of shows xena and i have rocked. the day started off with myself getting sharpie on our leather couch, ken was not exactly ecstatic about that. so after i cleaned that up he made me carry about 3200lbs of concrete from his truck to a wheelbarrow to the place to be concreted. after that he let me go to dio with xena. i was so happy to see her again. it's always really crazy with her and i can't really explain, she's just xena. the first band was a maiden/priest cover band that was alright. that's when xena and i made our way to 8 feet away from dio. that's when it got crazy. we got some stuff from this really pruny lookin' fella. darkest mexican i've ever seen. all rocked out with massive rings and long hair and keith richards' wrinkles. he told me "that stuff will make you see things man, just don't freak out." i took his word for it. as soon as he told me that, some dude threw up behind me. looked like an enormous lugie. about that time, fireball ministry came on. i started to feel it right about then, so was everyone else around me. man, i swear, i felt like i was in hell. and i LOVED it. it felt crazy. a GREAT trip. everything was red and smoky and the air was hot and heavy. it smelled like bodies. i gasped for fresh cool air but to no avail. the music made up for it. it was so fucking great. i loved being in hell. my neck hurts and my ears are ringing. then dio came on. i touched dio, xena touched dio. we touched dio. after the show, i got my camera back bcause i got it taken up getting valuable footage of dio himself. way to go jake. all in all, there are nights where i think man, i live a kick ass life. then ther are nights when i don't need to say it, because i have a kick ass life. like last night. xena, many more to come.

max the zippo...
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