I know it's supposed to eventually come out in US DVD, but why are there no downloads of Journey of the Childmen anywhere? I hate watching it on YouTube, ick. And maybe I should finally get to watching that copy of Future Sailors I downloaded ages ago, huh...
So the thesis deadline is on Friday. :| I'm not panicking. It's going well, but I really am working right down to the wire. My committee will see exactly one draft, I think. But it should be good. It should be great, in fact. I just need to KEEP CALM AND ROCK THE FUCK ON.
Surfing for neat patches on eBay. As soon as this fucker's done, I'm getting back into making shit, especially as my image/aesthetic gradually changes to adapt to my fucked-up gender identity. And other shit, too. I gotta hit Westminster Art Supply and H&M. I need to buy some comp books and legal pads and writerly shit. I discovered the glories of Stash Chocolate Mint and Bigelow Vanilla Caramel teas. Next on the tea list is Bigelow Green Tea with Blueberry and Stash Licorice Spice. I can't remember what else I wanted to do, really. Maybe I should try to get through brilliant The Once and Future King finally. I also need to buy a copy of A Single Man and the Howl DVD already.
LINK+ing some new awesomeness, Patti Smith's poetry and stuff about Neil Gaiman, not just by him. OMFG so cool, so cool.
I don't fucking know. I'm not exactly lucid anymore. April can't happen soon enough.
A Parable by Dr. Doyle That One Dude for your nerdy enjoyments. OH SHIT SON:
The cheese-mites asked how the cheese got there,
And warmly debated the matter;
The Orthodox said that it came from the air,
And the Heretics said from the platter.
They argued it long and they argued it strong,
And I hear they are arguing now;
But of all the choice spirits who lived in the cheese,
Not one of them thought of a cow.
I'm totally the kind of geek who would go ask a poet for help at his or her grave. How gay of me.
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~TDEO ^o^