Aug 02, 2007 23:36
Hey, guys. I've been really spacey about Milieux the past few days and I'd like to apologize for it, as well as warn you all that it's not likely to improve over this next week. My new job has me working almost twice as much as I'm used next week, and if this funk I'm in doesn't clear, I'm not sure how active I'll be able to get my characters. If I do get involved with something, expect slow play, because not only am I working more, but they have me working a really whacked out schedule and I don't know how I'll need to adjust with sleep and everything. So pretty much, I'm just asking that you bear with me if I'm inactive or drop something suddenly and other things like this.
While I'm here, I'll also mention that the week after next week, I'll be gone for a vacation. So I won't be active at all. Mia will be canceling class and flying out to L.A. to see the hubby, Eva will be hibernating and sulking, and Shunsui will be hibernating from being piss-drunk all week and sleeping it off at the bachelor pad. Neighbors, feel welcome to mod anything about the sleeping dead ones if you that week.
I just hope I can get better and next week doesn't absolutely kill me. Good week to have a vacation follow, that's for sure. x_x