
Jan 25, 2008 03:49

Questions from

1. What tattoo would you like next, if one was on the cards? I was actually designing a couple a while back, a woman with arms outstretched for my right calf and a red-tailed hawk for my back. Recently, however, I think the one I would be most likely to have done first is a simple wave pattern (similar to this), probably on my lower left arm.
2. What book would you re-read the most? There are quite a lot of books which I re-read over and over. I think the one I’ve re-read the most frequently recently is Tamsin by Peter S. Beagle.
3. What was the defining moment that made you realise your husband was integral to your life? The whole thing has been kind of a gradual process, but if I am focusing on one date then it would have to be September 12, 2006. At the time that I started to develop romantic feelings for Steven I was involved in a relationship with someone else. The relationship was falling apart and I had already technically broken up with him and I knew it wouldn’t last very much longer, but I was still somewhat involved with him. I didn’t feel free to pursue anything with anyone else or even to fully admit to the feelings I had until things were completely over with this other person. I am very monogamous and I did not feel it would be fair to the man I was involved with. It also wouldn’t have been good for Steve or I for me to enter into something else with traces of this other relationship still clinging to me. On September 12th, I had the biggest epiphany of my life. I found that I was finally ready to stop being involved in the relationship I was in, I shed a huge amount of baggage, both from that relationship and the one before it, I discovered many things about myself, and I finally let myself feel the things that I had been feeling for Steven. I realized how strongly I felt for him and that I would always regret it if I didn’t tell him. So I did, and things followed their natural course from there.
4. If you could have an unlimited number of pets, what would they all be? I would actually just have the ones I have. Sebastian and Maxis are everything I could ask for as companions, and each requires a huge amount of time and attention. Both of them would basically be happy to have me devote my undivided attention to them 24 hours a day. I would hate to spend less time around them than I do, and I know they feel the same way. The fish are great as well, and they basically just need feeding and water changes. I love the other pets in the house who are not my primary responsibility, but I would not take on another high-maintenance one myself except under special circumstances. Of course special circumstances tend to keep presenting themselves, which is how I ended up with these two in the first place.
5. What skill do you admire in other people? The ability to be patient and calm. I am almost always panicked, worried, completely stressed out, and just barely containing my horrible temper. For a while there I was making a huge amount of progress with this, but my life has basically completely fallen apart over the last several months and I am JUST. NOT. ABLE. to do this right now. I think I can get back to working on it again though. Sometime.
6. What has been the most memorable meal you have ever eaten? The meals that I’m remembering the most fondly right now are the ones where someone made an adorable and/or funny mistake or just prepared something strangely. An example of this would be the time that I made fudge which would not harden and finally ended up freezing it and making very odd popsicles. Or the time that my sister made toast with melted cheese and set the time for twenty minutes. By the time it came out it was a little brick of black ash and the plate had cracked in half. Or the time that Steven made me a sandwich with everything he thought I would like in the fridge, including a few kalamata olives (with pits) in the middle. Or the time that Holly made asparagus and cut the tips off first and threw them out. And I hope none of them will be horribly embarrassed by my posting this.

And if you would like to be interviewed, let me know. I will try to think up good questions. They won't even all be about my cat or anything. I promise. Maybe just four out of five.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

surveys, friends

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