Last week I dyed my hair pink, and Holly dyed a dark green streak in her hair. To memorialize this momentous occasion we of course had to take and post photos. Holly is planning to post some more serious photos of herself and her green hair later. I think everyone should look forward to this, even those of you who don't know Holly.
I've got the munchies... for a CALIFORNIA HOAGIE!!!
I have always wanted to take a photo of this place. It's ugly, eerie, and fundamentally evil in a wonderful Armageddon-ish sort of a way.
Holly says this is a good representation of how I actually look when I'm pissed off instead of when I'm trying to look pissed off. I just think it's funny.
Holly being silly... with green in her hair.
See above.
Cristopher being adorable.
This one shows Holly's hair a little better. As well as her silliness.
Yet more silliness.
This is me actually trying to look pissed. I think it worked.
Cristopher being somewhat silly.
I just liked this one. (You can see the mall where I work in the background of this and the next photo.)
This one finally shows the color that my hair came out fairly accurately.
Sebastian being silly, for good measure.