71 question survey

Apr 23, 2006 16:44

1) Are you a chick or a dude? I am... Sancho.
2) What's your lucky number? 8
3) Do you pray? Yes, but probably not in the way you're used to.
4) Ever wish on stars? I used to, but now I only wish on shooting stars.
5) Do you believe in karma? Yes
6) What's your zodiac sign? Gemini, but the Gemini profile doesn't always fit me.
7) Have you ever almost died? Yes. I ended up with two gigantic scars that made me even more insecure about my body, lifelong stomach problems, and an eating disorder. But it's nice to be alive and all. I remember sort of fading away and feeling like nothing in my life mattered anymore.
8) Ever broken any bones? No, which is an outright miracle considering how clumsy I am.
9) Do you cry during sad movies? Yes. I actually even cried during The Simpsons the other day.
10) Do you like to dance? Yes, but not usually in front of other people.
11) Ever layed under the stars? Yes
12) Ever sat on a rooftop? yes
13) Is there a such thing as a soul mate? I think so, but I don't think it's as simple as that. I also don't necessarily think that you have just one soul mate.
14) Could you live without the television? I do. I haven't watched tv in years, except when I'm over at other people's houses and they have it on.
15) Could you live without music? I think I could survive almost anything, but that's certainly not something I would want to survive.
16) Do you have any self inflicted scars? Yes. I have big cut scars on my stomach and knee as well as smaller ones on my arms and legs. I also have a few small burn scars, mostly on my hands. I mostly try to find better outlets for my masochism now. I also have some self-inked tattoos.
17) What do you dislike the most about life? The culture we live in.
18) Have you ever been to jail? No
19) Ever had a job for less than a day? No
20) Ever been fired on your off day? I've never been fired.
21) Ever been fired because of your attitude? I said I've never been fired.
22) Do you get jealous of other people? Yes, but I'm working on this and getting better with it.
23) Would you rather love someone or be loved? At this point I really can't enjoy one without the other.
24) What's under your bed right now? Plastic boxes filled with magazine clippings, old laptops, and probably lots of other things.
25) Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes...
26) Do you go to school? I'm supposed to be transferring next semester to work on my Bachelor's Degree, but I'm considering delaying that once again.
27) Do you like school? I absolutely hate it.
28) How fetch are you? I think I'm pretty damn fetch, but many people probably think I'm a total dweeb.
29) Do you support abortion? I am pro-choice and think that everyone should make their own decision in this matter, BUT I would never have an abortion myself and I think that abortion definitely is murder. I feel that if you are going to be sexually active then you need to take responsibility for the possibility of pregnancy instead of using abortion as a form of birth control and that you need to accept that you are killing your baby if you do end up having an abortion. Saying that you are "aborting the fetus" might help you to feel better about what you're doing, but it's bullshit and it's disrespectful both to your unborn child and to yourself. There are many situations where abortion is definitely the best choice, but at least admit to what you're doing.
30) Who's your best friend? Holly
31) Did you graduate high school? Yes, but if I'd known then what I know now I probably would have dropped out at 16 and gotten my GED.
32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row? Often
33) Have you ever driven someone crazy? Perhaps according to some people, but I think it would have happened with or without my influence.
34) Ever bullied someone? Not that I can remember. I was bullied so much when I was younger that I couldn't ever see doing that to someone else.
35) Ever done the Macarena? Thankfully, no.
36) Do you act your age? I try not to act any age.
37) Is it okay to disrespect your parent? Depends on the parent.
38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done? I try not to unless it's necessary. Saving water is always good.
39) How long do you stay in the shower? Usually 20-30 minutes (okay, so this kind of nullifies all of the water I save by not flushing the toilet.
40) What kind of soap do you use? Whatever
41) Are mullets cool? I'm sure some people can really work a mullet, but I prefer long hair.
42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman? They're all kind of gay.
43) Do you like your middle name? I like both of them very much.
44) Has anyone ever cheated on you? Not as far as I know.
45) Ever cheated on someone? No
46) What's your favorite animal? Red-tailed Hawk.
47) Favorite flower? Roses
48) Have you ever shaved your head? I used to shave the bottom half of it.
49) Do you think marijuana should be legal for medicinal use? I think it should be legal in general. I fucking hate it myself, but it's ridiculous for it to be illegal.
50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive? Never
51) If you won $1 million dollars, what would you buy first? A house
52) Do you fear terrorism? Yes, but I fear the government more.
53) Do you shave? I haven't shaved my legs or armpits for years. It just looks weird and unnatural to me now to see women with hairless bodies.
54) What's your favorite candle scent? Candles often make me cough. I prefer incense.
55) Do you use profanity? Oh yes.
56) Who's the last person you talked to on AIM? I can't remember. It's been a long time. I talked to Heather on gmail chat a few minutes ago though.
57) What's something you're ashamed of? My ass
58) What woke you up last night? The overwhelming pressure in my bladder (haha, me too)
59) What did you dream about last night? I had this dream that a Terminator was after me. Unlike the film, it was extremely frightening and I had trouble getting back to sleep.
60) Ever been to the zoo? Yes. I hate it.
61) How many beers did you have today? I've just had water and some cranberry juice. I don't drink frequently.
62) What's the last movie you watched? What Lies Beneath (not the greatest film)
63) Are you usually late or on time? Late, but I'm trying to change this.
64) What's a cartoon you watch often? The Simpsons, Futurama, South Park
65) Do you have any imaginary friends? They're not imaginary!
66) Are you waiting on something right now? Myself
67) Who's pretty? Are you asking me out?
68) Who's ugly? You haven't dealt with women for a long time, have you?
69) Are you worried about something? I'm worried about everything, as usual.
70) Ever swam in the ocean? Yes.
71) Did you like this survey? After a fashion


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